Pumpkin Patch | Skin Care Edition

pumpkin patch skin care

Pumpkins are widely recognized as the ornament which kicks off autumn festivities. Starting almost as early as late summer people start applying pumpkin to everything, from popular coffee recipes to centerpieces. Although, they probably don’t think to apply those pumpkins to their skin. But they should! Whether you visit your local pumpkin patch or your…

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Earthing For Skin Health

earthing footprint in the sand

You may have started to hear the term “earthing” more and more these days. That’s because the research surrounding earthing has been showing that it has some amazing effects. Earthing shows promise from reducing inflammation to wound healing, to improved sleep, to overall wellness, and improved skin health. So what is earthing, how can you…

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Dry Skin | Topical Treatments

Dry skin can be caused by so many things — soaps and detergents, indoor heaters and fireplaces, wind, dry climates, cold climates, medical conditions, as well as aging. If you know the cause of your dry skin you can take steps to help reduce the effects, such as adding a humidifier to your house, or…

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Anti-Aging Cream

Anti Aging Cream

What does it mean to age? The answer to this question is completely subjective. Some people think aging is the acquisition of wisdom, others see aging as changes to their body, and others see it as a combination of these and many other details. The truth is, when it comes to aging, if you’re lucky,…

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How To Lose Weight Fast

Body Under Construction Words

Anyone who even gives thought to losing weight wants to know how to lose weight fast. While it’s true that there are a variety of weight loss aids, the only way to lose weight and get your body back, is to start making changes to your diet. The truth is, the fastest way to lose…

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Skin Care | Stress Rash

woman's hands with small flowers

In many ways, we’ve become so accustomed to stress that we often diagnose ourselves with stress related conditions, such as having a “stress headache.” We’ve also heard that we must manage our stress in order to help our blood pressure, and improve other conditions which are impacted by the body’s overstimulated stress response. We know…

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Female Orgasm | Finding the Leprechaun

black and white image of woman with paper butterfly

The female orgasm is often considered mysterious and illusive, much like the leprechaun. Women of all ages can experience trouble achieving an orgasm, which makes “faking it” a popular option. But the best way to achieve a real female orgasm is to understand what may be preventing it. Let’s set out on a quest to…

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Microdermabrasion | Is It Right For You?

woman with healthy skin smiling in mirror

You may have found yourself researching microdermabrasion because you have a friend who had it done and they swear by the results. We won’t keep you in suspense, there’s plenty of research to support their claims. Microdermabrasion does have a great reputation for tightening and restoring skin. There’s also research supporting using microdermabrasion to help…

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Feel Good With Feel Good Foods

feel good foods

Feeling good means we can be active and engaged with the world around us. When we feel good we are inspired, and more likely to take action to get things done. We even may be motivated to take chances and do things which can greatly enhance our lives. Bottom line, when we feel good, we…

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Health Screening | Your Skin Care Routine

woman with healthy skin care routine

When we think about health screenings we think about looking at things we cannot see, like cholesterol, blood pressure, and immune responses. But your skin is not only your largest organ, it’s the only organ that you can see. It is the first line of defense between you and the outside world and handles so…

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