AdvaTx Dermal Restoration in Westminster, CO

Skin Bar Medspa is proud to introduce ADVATx, the most sophisticated laser in the world. Combining pure yellow light with high-powered infrared laser energy, we’re able to target a variety of skin conditions, leaving you with a beautifully clear and youthful complexion. We invite you to learn more about this amazing technology and what it can do for you!

ADVATx - Total Dermal Restoration

The world’s only medical, solid-state laser that produces with 589nm and 1319nm wavelengths!

  • Combination of light therapy for best acne and acne scar treatment results
  • Virtually no pain, discomfort, or downtime
  • Improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reverses the signs of sun damage
  • Offers a highly effective solution for acne and acne scars
  • Treats a range of vascular conditions, including facial veins, melasma, rosacea, telangiectasia, port-wine stains, cherry angiomas, and more
  • Improves skin tone and texture
  • Enhances dermal health
  • Provides visible improvement with long-lasting results

ADVATx Solid State Yellow Laser - An Overview

ADVATx is the most advanced solid-state yellow laser that effectively treats a range of skin conditions, including tone, texture, fine lines, wrinkles, pore size, sun damage, vascular concerns, acne, acne scars, and so much more! The revolutionary technology offers a total dermal restoration experience that targets the vascular components of sun damage, unwanted pigment, melasma, and rosacea, while simultaneously enhancing collagen production.

What Sets ADVATx Apart?

ADVATx is the only laser that combines the 1319nm wavelength, widely recognized as the gold standard to treat overactive sebaceous glands, and the 589nm wavelength to effectively target acne-causing bacteria. The 589nm wavelength also helps remove redness in active acne and acne scars, leading to visible improvement and long-lasting results.

When it comes to treating vascular concerns, the high-powered 589nm yellow light is the wavelength widely recognized for its effectiveness in providing the needed relief with virtually no pain, downtime, or side effects. ADVATx is the first device that offers a solid-state yellow vascular laser with a highly effective skin rejuvenation laser all in one treatment.

Is ADVATx Total Dermal Restoration Right for You?

The best way to determine whether the ADVATx total skin restoration and rejuvenation is right for you is to schedule a consultation with our expert medical aesthetics providers. We always take the time to evaluate your unique concerns and create personalized treatment protocols to provide you with your desired outcomes. We may recommend one or a combination of cosmetic procedures for the best results.

ADVATx Total Dermal Restoration Near Me

Contact Skin Bar Medspa in Westminster, CO, to learn more about our total dermal restoration solution. Our highly trained and experienced team is committed to providing the highest level of care for dramatic skin transformations with long-lasting results. We invite you to experience beauty treatments at their best.

Call us at 720-665-5540 to schedule your appointment or request one online today!

*Keep in mind that treatment results may vary from person to person.

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